City of Pawtucket

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to DPW’s most common questions.

  • Emergency situations such as Hurricanes & Fires
  • On Recycling & Sweeping Program days
  • Snow falling – in effect November 1st thru April 1st (2” and falling)

They are to be put out on your trash day throughout the month of January.

A:  Report the name of the street and pole number to the Highway Department at Ext. 233 or report the incident on SeeClickFix.

During snow storm/ 24-hour coverage from Dec. to April


See this page for transfer hours – if any information is needed call Ext. 233.

The transfer station is closed during storms, emergencies, holidays, and parking bans.

Cemeteries owned by the City of Pawtucket (Oak Grove and Mineral Spring Ave) 7:30 am to 4:00 pm – any information needed call 728-0500 ex. 284 or 302


The program starts from June to September.


The program starts from June to August.

Nights coverage is Monday through Thursday 4:00 pm to 2:00 am & Week end coverage is Friday, Saturday and Sunday ( Friday 4:00 pm to 12:00 am – Saturday & Sunday are 8:00 am to 12:00 am ) call 728-0500 x284 and please leave a message after-hours.

In the event of an emergency, please contact the police. 

Graffiti Hotline- 728-0500 ext. 233.

In the event of an emergency, please contact the police. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to the Senior Center’s most commonly asked questions.

The Center offers a variety of healthy living programs and activities, the descriptions and times of which can be found on our monthly activities calendar. You can also find information in the classes and activities section of our webpage. In addition, the Senior Center offers complete wrap around social, human, and transportation services.

We release our calendar every two months located within our bimonthly newsletter. Our programs and classes follow regular schedules and almost never change times from month to month.


The Senior Center provides programming for active and independent seniors. We are open daily, Monday through Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We can provide long term care and home and community services based services information to you from our trained counselors.


There is a small membership fee to join the Center. Anyone 55 and over is welcome. In order to join, a membership form needs to be completed. We also have a congregate meal site, serving lunch Monday through Friday. If you are 60 and over, you qualify for this program. Please see the Cafe Dining section.

We require each person to be capable of caring for themselves and be fully independent. We do not have medical staff. 

We are pleased to have two shuttle vans, providing transportation to the senior center to attend programming, to go grocery shopping, and perform errands of daily living, and on special trips for persons who live in the City of Pawtucket. Reservation requests should be scheduled at lease one day in advance and coordinated with the transportation manager. 

For transportation to medical appointments, contact MTM Transportation at 1-855-330-9131.

For more details about our transportation program, go to our transportation page or call 401-725-8220 for full details.

A: There is a list of resources on our page. If you need further help, please do not hesitate to contact our caseworkers at 401-728-7582.


Volunteers play an essential role in the enhancement of programs and services provided by the Senior Services Division and interested individuals are highly encourages to participate. 


The Senior Center is an accessible facility offering programs designed for the independently functioning older adults. Participating individuals should adhere to center policies, dress code, and rules of conduct to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all center members. 


To become eligible to attend the Senior Center and participate in services such as programs, individuals must be age 55 and over to attend the Center’s programs and activities and over age 60 to dines at the meal site and obtain counseling services. For Social and Human Services, a person needs to be Medicare eligible.

To become registered, interested individuals should visit the Center to complete an application. 


There is no cost for eligible seniors to participate in activities, services, resources—except for Tai Chi ($10 monthly) and Yoga ($10 monthly). There is a suggested donated of $3 for each meal and a nominal fee to participate in special trips or lunches outside the Senior Center. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the Tax Collector’s most commonly asked questions.

ITOP stands for Income Tax Refund Offset Program, under R.I.G.L. § 42-142-7 this program allows for the Division of Taxation to intercept state income tax refunds and apply them to outstanding liabilities owed to governmental entities.  This program doesn’t affect your Federal Income Tax Refund.  You are noted as having an outstanding Motor Vehicle Tax balance(s) due within the tax years of 2011 to 2019, which means that there is a balance(s) due for one, multiple, or all of these years.

You should continue to make your normally schedule payments to the City Collection Attorney.  Your Income Tax Refund Offset received by the City will be reported to our Collection Attorney.  In some cases, your outstanding tax debt may not be adequately covered by the offset.  Failure to keep your payment schedule could cause a default with our Collection Attorney.

The ITOP program is utilized by multiple agencies besides the City of Pawtucket.  The State of Rhode Island will send you a letter indicating why your Refund was Offset, and the respective agency that was in receipt of that Offset.   The receiving agencies contact information will be included in that letter from the State.  If your reported delinquent Motor Vehicle taxes were recently paid by you, and there was an offset that results in a credit balance with the City of Pawtucket, the City of Pawtucket will refund the credit balance due to you.

A: City of Pawtucket

Per City Charter, 363-52, Interest shall be charged at a rate of 13% annum on the outstanding balance due on delinquent real estate, tangible, and excise taxes. Interest shall begin to accrue following the due date (July 15). Interest accruing on delinquent real estate, tangible, and excise taxes shall commence following the original due date of the bill (July 15). Thereafter, any delinquencies through, and no later than, the end of the month following the due date of an annual or quarterly payment shall be calculated from the due date of that specific quarter up to and including the date of payment. However, any delinquencies on or beyond the first of the month following the due date of a quarterly payment shall be calculated from the original date of the bill (July 15) up to and including the date of payment.

No. You may pay all your accounts with one check. Please reference each tax account number on the memo line of the check in case coupons get misplaced.


A: The Motor Vehicle taxes are assessed for vehicles registered during the prior year. For example, your 2020 Excise Tax Bill is for the vehicles you had registered in calendar year 2019. This information is sent to us from the Registry of Motor Vehicles. If you do not turn your plates in on any vehicle sold, junked, or traded, you will be assessed taxes on that vehicle until the registration expires. If a vehicle is stolen, you must also report this to the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
Call the Tax Assessor for any questions or concerns about your registrations: 728-0500 ext.218.

Per the City of Pawtucket’s City Charter, all prior year taxes must be paid before payments can be accepted on current year taxes.

This processing system is a service that is done directly with the city’s banking institute to accept payment directly through a post office box located in Providence, RI. This service allows a direct method of depositing your payments into our bank.

Any tax with an annual amount of $ 99.99 or less is paid once, in full in July. If the quarterly amounts have zeros on the stubs, then there are no further payments due. The first quarterly amount would also be the entire balance of the bill. If there were other payments needed, the quarterly amounts of each stub would have a figure.


If your bank is holding an escrow account on your mortgage to pay your real estate taxes, they are requesting your bill directly from us and it has been forwarded to them. If you receive your bill directly, please forward it on to your mortgage company, listing your loan number on the bill.


All delinquent and current motor vehicle taxes must be paid IN FULL by cash, money order, or certified bank check only. Once this is done, we can provide you with a clearance to bring to the Registry, or we can e-mail a release to remove the block for renewal purposes only.

If you decide to pay by personal check, we will NOT be able to give you a release 
until 15 business days or if you can provide proof from the bank that the check has cleared.

All delinquent tangible taxes must be paid in FULL before we can release a block on your business license.